DESY Dealing System
We regret to inform visitors of our website, that we’ve been forced to remove the DESY system documents from this section of the website. Our hosts, were warned by UBS AG lawyers (see About Us). Alleging copy right infringement of UBS proprietary documents, with an implicit threat of legal action against our web host provider if the DESY system documentation published on this site, were not immediately removed.

- DESY+ Trading – Real Time Functions, Specifications (PDF)
- DESY+ Training Guide, Concepts & Algorithms, Introduction to DESY+ (PDF)
- GTRM (DESY) Core Systems (Position Inventory Specifications)
- DESY System Expert Statements (Harald Rieder)
- DESY System Sample Deal Print
- GTRM (DESY) Core Systems (Position Inventory Specifications)
- DESY Deal Print (US$ 50,000,000)
- DESY Deal Print (US$ 100,000,000)
We would like to draw the attention of visitors of this site to the fact that as we are in possession of those DESY system documents, as well as other literature, documents related to UBS fraudulent practices in Forex trading, document retention, destruction, etc. And that we are willing to provide all such material, plus many more, to any party that may require such evidence, in support of litigation procedures they have against UBS AG. As long as a case involves a claim of fraud against UBS, we will help and assist.